Invited experts Lisa Kamlade and Thomas Berghoefer from the Genera Network are going to give a keynote talk based on their knowledge and experience regarding gender equality in higher education and research. The experts will offer an European view on mentoring as a measure to improve for gender equality.
Please save the date of the next Eument-net Expert Exchange:
September, 6th 10:00-12:00 a.m. CET, online
We invite all eument-net members and interested mentoring experts to discuss and exchange on your approaches and experiences towards gender equality within your current or future mentoring programs.
The eument-net expert exchange will be carried out digitally via ZOOM. Please enter your name and e-mail to get a link for the meeting.
GENERA is a gender equality network in Physics in European research area. Since 2015 GENERA has boosted awareness on the issue of gender equity in physics. The GENERA consortium prepared all tools necessary to tailor and implement gender equality plans (GEPs) and gender equality measures in the participating institutions. In the GENERA toolbox, for example, more than 100 good practice measures to support gender equality in physics institutions have been compiled. All necessary steps to implement a GEP have been described in the GENERA Roadmap. Guided by a project internal evaluation the individual institutions created and implemented their GEPs.
Thomas Berghoefer, Senior Scientist

Copyright: PRIVAT
Dr. Thomas W. Berghoefer studied Physics and Astrophysics in Marburg, Bochum, and received a PhD in Munich. He won a Humboldt fellowship to work at the Space Sciences Lab at UC Berkeley. During his active research career, he was working in X-ray and EUV astronomy at the Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics, UC Berkeley, and University of Hamburg. While working at the University of Hamburg he was appointed as one of the women’s representatives in the faculty of physics. He holds a degree in higher education didactics and e-learning methods from the University of Hamburg. Later he became a science programme manager in the German research funding system of the federal government. He coordinated several larger European consortia on research funding, R&D, and gender in physics. Thomas Berghöfer is currently the coordinator of GENERA Network.
Lisa Kamlade, Project manager

Copyright: PRIVAT
Lisa Kamlade studies business psychology (M.Sc.) in Hamburg and works as a full-time project manager at DESY, Hamburg.
In the GENERA project she was the Implementation Manager coordinating between all relevant stakeholders involved in the implementation of a Gender Equality Plan at DESY. After GENERA project she worked in the European project ACT as a Community of Practice (CoP) facilitator. Alongside, Lisa is the vice-coordinator of the GENERA Network since 2018 and she’s part of the European project Einstein Telescope (INFRA-DEV). LinkedIn Profile